In the small shade of my porch I've invested in a beautiful rocking bench.
I topped it with a thick seat cushion. I've planted a pretty mix of annuals and cross my fingers they'll survive.
I've done what I can to make it inviting.
Yesterday, after a summer rain the temperature was tolerable so I went out to watch the kids play.
Every stick was a sword and I answered, "can I ride the go kart?" no less than 10 times.
Suddenly they were jumping in boots and all. Then stripping down to nothing or next

Thank God for country living!
Honestly, when it started I wanted to stop it.
But I stopped myself from stopping it.
I don't want to be the mom that always says "no."
Shoes will dry. The clothes were going to need washing anyway. Dirty water isn't the worst thing they've gotten into lately.
I want to be the mom that can roll with impromptu fun even if it's messy. They're smiles were so bright and contagious. With a clearance bucket from Target and a little freedom they had at least an hour of harmless summer fun.