But I want it to be easy for you to check out these recommendations, so I got through it.

In my 30th year I've discovered podcasts and subscribed to Audible. It's turning into a year of self development.
There's a wealth of advice and information on anything under the sun in my phone. Instead of turning on the radio to hear the top hits on endless repeat, I started turning on podcasts or audiobooks and learning things to help me do life better.
Here's some that I've enjoyed over the passed months.
RISE. - Rachel Hollis
Girl, Wash Your Face - Racbel Hollis
Allie Casazza - Mom life & Minimalism

The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up
Spark Joy
Organize 365
A Slob Comes Clean Podcast
A Slob Comes Clean Book
A to B Simplicity
Fierce Marriage - Ryan & Selena Frederick
Rise Together - Rachel & Dave Hollis
The Total Money Makeover - Dave Ramsey
The Keto Diet Podcast
The Binge Code